Poma and his saufer

My TukTuk Driver and I,
When I was visiting Vientiane

Bang&noi riding TukTuk to Morning Market

Sakhone at a village in Champasack,Laos.


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visit Laos


Event Calendar | Photo I | Photo II | Photo III | Location | Useful Links | Education | Culture Room | visit Laos | contact Me

This page is created to share my photos with you when I visited Laos.

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My mom and my relatives Hed Boon to My Dad

Bang@Kuangsywaterfall Luangprabang Province, Laos.

sakhone-k. at Wut Xiengthong, Luangprabang.

Bangon & Sakhone visited Laos in 2000.

sakhone-k. at WutPrakeo, Thailand.

This is my Story
when I visited Laos in December 1998

ThardLuang Vientiane

Bangon-K. on ThardLuang Vte.

Street to ThardLuang, Vientiane City

If you'd like to share yours with us, please mail your photos to me at the temple's address.